Meet Winnie Nandawula birthdate 27 August 2011, is the firstborn of 2 siblings. She is a happy girl who likes playing with dolls and her fellow children. Before the closure of schools as a measure to stop Covid-19, Winnie was in Primary 3, and has a dream of becoming a teacher but the path to her dream is always hindered by poverty. Winnie always misses out on classes due to the failure of her parents to pay for her tuition and stationery. Both of her parents are unskilled. So they can't access a paying job in Uganda to sustain their family. They have no steady source of income and it is a daily struggle for them to provide for the very basic needs of their family. Very often they struggle to put food on the table for their family.
Sometimes they survive on a cup of tea for a day's meal.
Therefore, when you sponsor Winnie you are not only helping her meet her dream but you are giving her an opportunity to transform herself, her family, and change the bad things around her. The cost of sponsoring Winnie is £24 per month or £288 per year, and you can become a star in her today. If you would like to sponsor Winnie now, please click on this link to sign up now. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6HGFFB39LSNLE&source=url