For £24 a month or £288 a year for tuition and stationery, you can help Wasswa to attend school, acquire an education to start breaking the cycle of poverty.

Wasswa and his mother were abandoned by her father in 2017 and since then, they don’t know his whereabouts. Wasswa’s mother is unemployed and without a
source of income, it’s her daily struggle to care for all her five siblings. In 2019 Wasswa was introduced to Youth With A Vision by the local authority, and after assessing his needs, we registered him. Since then, we have been providing support with essentials to his family. In order to strengthen Wasswa’s family, we started training his mother in financial literacy, and project management as a way to prepare her to start an enterprise which can help her to create employment and become sustainable.
Wasswa loves education, he is in year two of his education and his favourite subject is Mathematics, but he is struggling to stay at school and currently he is not attending, and all his siblings dropped out of school due to lack money for their tuition, stationery and lunch meals. Wasswa’s dream is to become a nurse in the future and be able to treat sick people in his community and also earn income to become sustainable. But he can’t realize this dream without you. Your support will help him to achieve her dream.
Wasswa is a twin brother, and his surname is Kawooya which is also his clan name. He is of Engeye (Colobus Monkey) clan. He delights in helping his mother with washing up clothes, sweeping the house and fetching water from the spring. His best meal is rice, matooke and meat, his best drink is a soda while his favourite colour is red. He likes cycling, drawing and playing football. His favourite subject at school is Mathematics, and his best friend's name is Joseph.
Youth With A Vision is committed to ensure that Wasswa has the support he needs to reach his full potential. And your generosity makes it possible for him and other children like him to build a firm foundation and have hope for a bright future.
Start a unique and fulfilling friendship today, sponsor Wasswa.
Through your sponsorship, Wasswa receives the support she needs to be his own agent of positive change. Sponsorship brings something positive to both your life and that of your sponsored child.
Click on this link to sign up to sponsor Wasswa now with your PayPal account, credit or debit card.
Thank you.
Presented Child
Name: Wasswa Kawooya Abdulnoor
Birthdate: 30 August 2013
Education level: Primary - Lower