Meet Nakabiito Aisha
Date of Birth: 19th April 2008

Nakabiito Aisha is a clever and humble girl. Aisha stays with her elderly grandmother who is a peasant farmer. Aisha’s grandmother always struggles to support Aisha with basic needs and school fees. Youth With A Vision has been supporting Aisha with school fees and we helped her complete her Primary Level and she obtained 15 aggregates. Aisha’s friends have joined secondary school but for her, she is at home lacking almost everything to join secondary school. If not assisted, her future dreams may end up diminishing.
Support Aisha now by giving what you can.
Donate a mattress/ beddings, stationery and school fees to support Aisha to go to school.
Become Aisha’s sponsor by donating £35 per month and helping her stay at school and full fill her dream.
Sponsor Aisha by clicking here
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