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More families given food and sanitizer kits to keep safe through the pandemic

Writer's picture: John MugabiJohn Mugabi

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

A huge thank you to all of you who have supported and continue to support our appeal!

We also once again appreciate and thank our amazing - staff Juliet and Leandrew who ever since this, tirelessly go extra miles packing and supplying food and hand washing soap to the vulnerable children and families.

Yesterday Saturday 11th April 2020 our staff delivered 20 food (containing maize flour, beans, and sugar), and 5 sanitizer kits (containing liquid soap) in the villages of Kayirikiti, Kasijjagirwa, Ssenyange and Ssunga along Nabugabo Beach road. This brings the number to 55 families supplied with liquid soap and 20 families supplied with food kits of our 200 initially targeted families. So 145 families are yet to be reached with liquid soap while 180 families are yet to be reached with food rations.

During our distribution, we take records of the families and the number of items given to them. This not only helps with accountability but also deterring families from getting doubles or extra while others have got nothing and also measuring the duration individual families can take along with the supplied stuff. We have Team leaders in the community who help to update us on occurrences against the young people and families we serve in their jurisdiction.

Our distribution pace is a bit slow because our food and sanitation relief work on the basis of; getting funds first and then we purchase and deliver the items to the vulnerable families. The number of young people and families we can reach is determined by the amount of funds we receive in a specific time. And the challenge with this is that the prices for items keep changing by going up not down every day. So each time we go shopping we have to buy items at a different price.

At this global crisis, where the cities are silent and our interaction with each other has reduced, everyone needs HOPE, some need HOPE for food while others need HOPE for life. Sadly the recently activated Uganda government’s food rations currently target very few and mainly urban neighborhoods.

And in some cases, these food rations have been cited ending up in homes of some of the authorities in charge. Therefore in this situation, YWAV remains a beacon of hope for food rations and sanitary facilities for the most vulnerable families.

In our recent outreaches, we have discovered that people in the rural areas have mixed information on the facts about the coronavirus hence the urgent need to educate them of the virus.

And we are therefore planning to share these findings with the authorities so that they hatch effective ways of creating awareness about COVID- 19 among the rural populations.

We are also planning to translate into local language the factual information on the prevention of the spread of COVID- 19 through proper hygiene, frequent hand washing, and proper nutrition, and then design and distribute leaflets to the rural populations.

It is really hard times for everyone, but it’s really harder for the majority of the populations who were relying on daily incomes and are due to lock down nolonger earning not even a penny. Without a significant package from the government, such populations will find it hard to survive the coronavirus.

If you feel you are financially able, please donate to support us through these unprecedented times, and ensure that we can continue to support the young people and their foster families with meals, sanitary facilities, and television classes, through the pandemic.

This is what your contribution can do.

  • £6 ($8) (€8) will buy ingredients to make 10 liters of proven effective liquid soap to sanitize one family for two months. - We now target 150 families across the Masaka community.

  • £18 ($22) (€20) will provide a food parcel containing (5kgs of maize flour, 5kg of rice, 1.5 kgs of sugar, 5kgs of beans) for one family of four members for two weeks. – we Target 50 families.

  • £200 ($257) (€250) will provide one Television set to provide televised classes to students currently missing out on classes. Our wish is 4 sets.

  • £1 ($1) (€1) will buy 1 pair of gloves for one health worker- we need 500 pairs. £267 ($343) (€334) will buy 1 temperature testing kit- our wish is 2 Kits.

This is how you can send through your donation

Online: Make a secure and simple online donation with your PayPal or card

Donate through the bank as follows;

Country of Bank Account: Uganda

Account Number: 5053284001

Account Holders Name: YOUTH WITH A VISION



Send Mobile Money with your Phone via wordremit at or to telephone +256771614922 Or +256750159155

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Other ways you can help;

  • Share this update and the work of Youth With A Vision with your networks and help to spread the word.

  • Keep watch of this space for upcoming updates and news.

John Mugabi

John is the founder and Director of Youth With A Vision and has the first-hand experience of the effects of poverty upon the disadvantaged children and youth in a developing country like Uganda. He has a passion for young people and makes research into their individual lives. He loves telling stories about ordinary young people who do the extraordinary to become productive in their communities.

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