The global COVID-19 crisis has dramatically and rapidly changed the lives of everyone, hitting hardest the already vulnerable children and youth at Masaka region in Uganda. The pandemic took a toll on our resources and affected our fundraising events specifically our annual Dine So They Can Day which we had initially scheduled for Saturday 3rd October 2020. And because gatherings are not yet possible, we will not be able to host this fundraiser.
Instead, we are merging this year's Dine So They Can Day fundraiser into an online crowdfunding and giving campaign code named #RiseOverCovid, running from 3rd October to 31 December 2020, with a target of raising £7,000 ($9133.95) (£7723.60) (UGX: 33,762,115.67) for;
Constructing 2 Classrooms, and one six stance disabled access toilet to support quality and affordable education for the children that Youth With A Vision supports, and other 700 vulnerable children at our partner schools – ST. Catherine Nursery and Primary School Kisaalizi in Kyotera District, Aunt Sarah Junior School in Rakai District, and Safe Care Primary School in Wakiso, Uganda.
Watch this video which explains the current situation.
There is no uniform fee for tuition that Schools in Uganda charge. Each school charge differently and students from less privileged backgrounds can’t access most of the available schools due to high costs. Children that Youth With A Vision support, charge affordable fees but lack enough classrooms. The lack of enough classrooms, affects the learning of the students. Since these schools charge small amounts of money for tuition, it is always hard for them to construct proper and enough classrooms.
It is for this reason that we are trying to raise funds to help the schools that we partner with have enough classrooms for all less privileged children in the area to have access to quality and affordable education from a conducive environment.
When we help to construct classrooms and a disabled accessible toilet for these partners schools, It will help reduce on the amount of tuition these schools charge per student. And this will attract more less privileged children to attend school and acquire education.
Community Support
The young people who have been helped, and those that are being helped by Youth With A Vision, together with the other community members will make bricks for the construction work, and also help with porter work on the site. One of the youth skilled in roofing works, has offered to do the roofing for the classrooms and toilet for half the total cost. All these developments mean that we are now looking for funds for cement, sand, iron sheets, wood, doors, windows, nails, building labour, and half costs for roofing labour.
This is what your Gift can do
A donation of £1.5 ($ 2) (€1.65) will provide 1 piece of wood for roofing (we need 100)
A donation of £1 ($1.30) (€1.10) will buy 1 kilogram of nails (we need 50kg)
A donation of £9.5 ($12.40) (€10.50) will provide 1 iron sheet for roofing (we need 66 sheets for £627 ($817) (€692)
A donation of £8 ($10.45) (€8.82) will buy 1 bag of cement (we need 100 bags of cement)
A donation of £0.8 ($1.5) (€0.88) will provide 1 litre of paint (we need 240 litres for £192 - ($251) -(€212)
A donation of £24 ($31.32) (€26.47) will provide 1 ton of hardcore stones (we need 10 tons)
A donation of £31 ($40.45) (€35) will buy 1 ton of Sand (we need 15 tons )
A donation of £31 ($40.45) (€35) will buy 1 ton of stones ( we need 5 tons)
A donation of £43 ($56.11) (€47.43) will provide 1 metallic window ( we need 4 windows )
A donation of £78 ($101.78) (€86.03) will provide 1 metallic door ( we need 2 doors)
A donation of £30 ($40) (€33.10) will pay labour costs for one day (we need for 30 days at £900 - ($1,172) - (€993)
Donors for Windows, and doors will have their names written on them.
We are all a big family, and families come together in all seasons.
The idea is that; if 112 of our over 700 friends, supporters and followers recruit 10 new donors each, we shall have 1,008 new donors, and if they also invite 3 donors each, we shall have a total of 3,136 donors, and if each of them donates £9, by 31 December 2020 we shall raise a total sum of £28,224 which we are desperately looking for.
Make ONE day between 3rd October and 31st December 2020 your day of giving to support our #RiseOverCovid Campaign.
Donate with your credit or debit card or PayPal account on https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9J4AERSAYCP72&source=url
If you are in Uganda and Africa Donate from as low as UGX: 500/= with your Mobile Money on
https://dashboard.flutterwave.com/donate/pocritqs4ryp to support our Campaign.
Advocate for our #RiseOverCovid, Invite your networks to participate, and Recruit ten members for the campaign.
Ask your networks to make ONE day between 3rd October and 31st December 2020 their day of giving to support our #RiseOverCovid Campaign. The more the participants, the merrier the Campaign will be!
Fundraise for our #RiseOverCovid Campaign
Send appeals on our behalf in support of this campaign to your networks