Date of Birth: 16th October 2011

My name is Racheal Nakawooya.
I lost my mother when I was way too young and I never tasted the love of a mother. Unfortunately, my mother died when she had not told me the whereabouts of my father.
So I was abandoned by my helpless maternal grandmother. I witnessed who it was so hard for my grandmother to provide for my needs. Very often we missed food and survived on pieces of sugar cane waste dumped by others at the dumping site opposite our home.
It was so because grandma had no income to provide for our food and other needs. I started school late all because of the lack of someone to pay for my education. I often feel envious of my peers who have fathers that provide for all their needs. In our community, we are among the poorest family. In the hard times, I cry whenever I see my friends eating bread and treasuring their dads when my grandmother can't even afford sanitiser or a mask or daily food for me and my two siblings.
What hurts me more is that whenever I try to socialize with children who have fathers and money, they isolate me and shun me because we have a bad house that is deemed prone to infections. I often can't control tears from rolling down my chin whenever I hear my friends sharing stories about how their fathers treat them and with pride showing off some of the gifts bought to them by their fathers when at my home we very often sleep on an empty stomach. I admired my friends a lot, and their stories but they make me feel envious and wished my father was available.
When my grandma heard of Youth With A Vision she engaged the team and I am glad that they took me on. I am so happy that I was accepted and taken back to school. I wish they take on my siblings too and also take care of my grandmother. My dream is to become a lawyer so that I plead for the suffering children.
At £24 per month, you can make Racheal realize her dream of becoming a lawyer and save her grandma out of poverty
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Many children are waiting for someone to sponsor them.
Otherwise, we are in need of a sponsor for the other many children who have also waited for so long without getting sponsored