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Writer's picture: John MugabiJohn Mugabi

Sometime back we shared about Zalwango Suzan a 14 year old girl under our program who was defiled and impregnated by an elderly family friend in the neighbourhood of Kyassuma in Masaka Uganda last November 2021. Suzan was trapped and enticed when the offender asked her to help buy him some cigarettes from the local shop. When she took cigarettes in the house of this old man. She found the door open and the old man was hiding behind the door. The girl entered the house and as soon she entered the house, the offender closed the door and attacked Suzan and raped her. The girl was afraid to tell her parents after the incident.

After some time, Suzan felt sick and was taken to the hospital this is when the parents realized that she was pregnant. They engaged her until she confessed to her parents all that happened to her. With our help, the parents reported the incident to the police and the offender was arrested and imprisoned. The case was forwarded to the court of law and two hearings have already occurred on 10th May 2022 and 17th May 2022 at Masaka chief Magistrate Court.

In a quest to ensure that Suzan receives justice, we have not only provided counseling to keep Suzan with hope and positive mind but also we have been closely following this case and attending all the court hearings.

On 11th August 2022, Suzan gave birth to a healthy baby boy, but the offender is still denying responsibility of the act. So the Masaka Court Chief Justice ordered for a DNA test to be done by 20th September 2022. This is the only way Suzan and her family can achieve justice. But sadly Suzan and her family has no money to conduct a DNA.

We need your help to make a DNA for 3 people at a cost of £116 (UGX: 500,000) per person. In total we need £348‬ (UGX: 1,496,400‬) for all the 3 people. If you are able, please contribute at and caption SUZAN.

Meet Nantambi Sharon Shakira a 17 years old girl in need of some one to sponsor her for education to brighten her future and that of her entire family.

Shakira comes from a poor family. she has three siblings (all are girls) and all are in the Primary level. Shakira is the first born and she is in senior one.

Shakira's father abandoned them when they were very young. Since then Shakira and her siblings started struggling day and night with their jobless mother.

During the course of struggling with life, Shakira, her siblings and mother went homeless, and their mother got engaged with another husband who is a local barber, and has been sheltering them in his rented double roomed house. During day, the front of this room is used as a saloon and at night it's were the entire family sleeps.

Shakira's mother also helps with work in the Barber Shop, and the income of both the mother and step father is just used for a daily survival and they can't spare some to help Shakira and her siblings to attend school.

This family some times miss something to eat and end up going to bed hungry. And very often as Youth With A Vision, we have been assisting them with food. But we can't provide them with other basics including education with your help.

In January 2022 as everyone in the family struggled to get food and essentials, one of Shakira's little sister was enticed with food, and got was defiled and impregnated! The poor girl is now traumatized as the entire family is devastated by this incidence. This case was reported to the Police and the offender was imprisoned but later released under unknown circumstances. This prompted Youth With A Vision and Shakira's step father to re-engage the police and the victim was re-arrested. We are now waiting for court hearing and ruling, but the family needs our continued support to go through this situation and possibly cope up.

Shakira being the eldest and has reached the High School stage, is the only hope for the entire, and needs to go to school to brighten the future of not only herself but the entire family. It's already term two of the year 2022, and other children have already started schooling which started on 9th May 2022 but for Shakira and her siblings are still stranded at home without even food.

Shakira's dream is becoming a nurse to help treat sick people in her country Uganda. Shakira has been dropping out of school several times due to the failure of her mother to raise her tuition and supplies.

Shakira is a clever girl and likes studying a lot but if she is not helped she may end up going into early marriage.

If anyone would like to sponsor Shakira and help her to access education to full fill her dream of becoming a nurse and start breaking the cycle of poverty, you will be very much appreciated.

Sponsoring Shakira is £35 a month which covers school fees and lunch meals at school.

Please click here to sponsor Shakira Nantambi Sharon


Because Shakira is joining Secondary / High school for the first time, and given the fact that there is no nearby quality and low-cost school in her community, she will need a boarding school.

As a new student, and in a boarding school, on top of tuition and lunch, she will need the following supplies which she doesn't have at the moment.

Shakira will need £223 (1,003,500) for;

A pair of bedsheets - £9 (UGX: 40,000)

A blanket - £10 (UGX: 45,000)

A pair of shoes - £11 (UGX: 50,000)

Assorted toiletries - £27 (UGX: 120,000)

A Suitcase. - £18 (UGX: 70,000)

Assorted stationery - £50 (UGX: 225,000)

Tuition for term one -£100 (UGX: 450,000)

This tuition is needed in the meantime we are yet to locate a sponsor for Shakira.

Most of these supplies are bought once for years.

In-kid donations of these supplies are very welcome and very much appreciated, and you will help Shakira to join the school as soon as possible.

On top of monthly sponsorship which covers tuition and lunch, can you help Shakira to get the supplies as well?

If you can, please make your contribution at

Or Mobile Money (using your phone)

On (+256) 771614922

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